Project: The Secret Garden (WIP)

Throughout this year, 2022, I got back into reading like I haven’t done since middle school (2013). There was a specific book I had been wanting to read since I was a child – and which I had tried to read multiple times but just couldn’t get into: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, originally published in 1911.

The book definitely has its problems, being from 1911, (covert colonization, racism as a default, able-ism, etc.). However, the story, character development, delicious meals, and scenic descriptions really made me love the book. I even started gardening around my house to feel the “magic!”

One of my favorite things to take note of and learn while reading was the wild variety of flowers within the gardens, on the moor, and around the world (mentioned when the characters talked of or visited other countries). I started saving them on different tabs around the second chapter, and after finishing, I was so pleased with my list that I wanted to make something with it. I created this project, thinking of it as a sort of book report, because even when I Googled the list to confirm my findings, other blogs only mentioned a handful of the flowers. I couldn’t know all this information unless I read the book! (And yes, the book is better than both of the movies I’ve seen.)

My Goal

I want to make an illustrated poster with as many of the flowers mentioned in The Secret Garden as I can fit, or as I like.

Week 1, Oct. 18: Gathering Information

I’m going to list the flowers with how they were named in the book, their scientific names, and with one reference picture for when I choose which to draw.

In BookScientific NamePhoto
Gold gorse blossomsUlex
Blossoms of the broomCytisus scoparius
Heather flowersCalluna
Gold crocusCrocus
Rose treesRosa
Rose bushRosa
JonquilNarcissus jonquilla
Purple flags flowerPatersonia sericea
Laurel hedgePrunus laurocerasus
White poppyPapaver somniferum or Argemone albiflora
Blue larkspurDelphinium parryi
Mignonette plantReseda odorataUnavailable
Holly bushIlex
Lily of the valleyConvallaria majalis
Canterbury bellsCampanula mediumUnavailable
CampanulasCampanula persicifolia
Broom flowersCytisus scoparius
Apple treeMalus domestica
Apple blossomsMalus
Cherry blossomsPrunus serrulata
Peach treePrunus persica
Plum treePrunus domestica
Iris flowerIris
DelphiniumDelphinium elatum
PrimrosePrimula vulgaris
Snapdragon flowerAntirrhinum majus
Columbine flowerAquilegia
Lilac bushSyringa vulgaris
PansiesViola tricolor var. hortensis
Moorland foxgloveDigitalis purpurea
Rock cressArabis caucasica
Blue gentiansGentiana acaulis
Blue forget-me-notsMyosotis scorpioides

Week 2, Oct. 25: Formatting and planning.

To keep my workload light this week, I’m going to choose the flowers I want to do, and draft some poster compositions. If I have time, I will also choose a color palette or create some sort of mood-board to direct my poster towards.

Week 3: Drawing

Week 4: Continue Drawing

Week 5: Critiques and Refinements

Week 6: Final Piece

All images are licensed from Adobe Stock.

Stay tuned, and thank you for reading!